Afghan Adjustment Act (AAA)
H.R. 8685/S.4787
What is the Afghan Adjustment Act (AAA)?
A bipartisan bill that would offer newly arrived Afghans a pathway to permanent status here in the U.S. At-risk and newly arrived Afghans are in need of pathways to permanent status and reunification with their loved ones. Afghans are up against a deadline to begin their asylum applications. The AAA would both follow historical precedent and alleviate the burden on legal service providers and Afghans themselves, who would otherwise undergo the backlogged and re-traumatizing asylum process.
Phone Bank Guide
This guide provides additional context for AAA and provides detailed steps on how to call your Congressperson.
Project ANAR Hosted Phone Bank Sessions
Please find the registration links for two upcoming phone banks sessions. We will explain the AAA, how to make a call to your Congressperson, and be available as you complete the call.
Send an Email
Afghans for a Better Tomorrow made it easy to send an email to your Congressperson by using the link below.